I want to make the world a better place for animals.

To do that, I want to change how people think about animals.

As a Harvard-educated lawyer, writer, and advocate, I have always had big goals about helping the world. But I used to think I needed some external permission to do something about it. It took a lot of big changes for me to realize the power is in simple, everyday choices. Let me tell you what happened.

Want to learn more about Being Animal?

Sign up for my newsletter to explore the fascinating world of human-animal relationships. I share tips to reduce your reliance on animal products, offer cultural commentary on the role of animals in society, and provide simple exercises to start changing how you think about animals. 

After all, we’re animals, too. 

Featured Post: “What it Means to Be Animal”

So many people believe humans are superior to animals. We assume animals are lesser beings, with less moral value than our fellow humans. These assumptions allow us to kill animals, discard them, manage them, and use them. But is it really so simple? Do we humans really exist on a separate plane, morally superior and impervious to what befalls the animals living all around us?

Do you know how interwoven
animals are in your life?

Take the free quiz to discover your animal-relationship archetype. You’ll also learn easy ways to start reducing how much you rely on animals in your daily life.

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My content focuses on human-animal relationships and how we can reduce our need for animal products. I've dedicated time to learn about these topics, so you can enjoy the insights without the homework. I also feature stories from my personal experiences and daily life, too. I invite you to join my community, where we can learn, share and grow together.