How We Treat Animals Matters

My philosophy on nonhuman animals and resources to help you discover your own.

My Philosophy

Animals are sentient creatures deserving of dignity, care, and flourishing lives. How we treat animals matters—for our planet, for ourselves, and for our sense of humanity. No animal should suffer needlessly. As humans, we can choose how to live our lives while minimizing the harm we cause.

Do you know how reliant you are on animals?

Start by taking my free quiz to find out:

Frequently Asked Questions

What about pushing for greater animal welfare instead of veganism?

The claims you see on food labels (like humanely raised) aren’t strictly regulated, so they probably don’t mean what you think they mean. So, if we can’t trust labels, what does that mean for animal welfare?

How can I start to change my relationship with animals?

It can feel so overwhelming to think about reducing the exploitation of animals in your life, because it is part of the fabric of our society. From what we eat, to what we wear, to how we relax, animals are embedded everywhere.

But taking small, achievable steps can help you develop new habits in a sustainable way. One meal is a great place to start.

Why care about animals when there is so much human suffering?

Caring about animals will improve the lives of people, too. These causes are intertwined. And while we can’t solve all of the world’s problems by ourselves, we each can take concrete action every day by choosing compassion in our own lives and reducing demand for products derived from animal suffering.

After all, justice is not zero-sum.